Divine Liturgy
for mixed choir a cappella
1. "Great Litany"
2. "Bless, my soul, the Lord"
2а. "Little Litany"
3. "Praise, my soul, the Lord"
4. "Glory... The Only Begotten Son"
4а. "Little Litany"
5. "In Your kingdom"
6. "Come, let's bow down"
7. "Lord, save the pious" and "Trisagion"
8. "Hallelujah and singing before and after reading the Gospel"
9. "Special Litany"
10. "Cherubic Song"
11. "Supplicating Litany"
12. "The Symbol of Faith"
13. "Mercy of the world"
14. "It's worthy"
15. "Our Father"
16. "Praise the Lord from heaven"
16а. "Blessed is the One who is coming" and "The Body of Christ"
17. "Finale of the Liturgy"